Kharma Enigma Signature Power Block -SOLD-


The Enigma Signature Power block is based on conductors of very pure silver with a small injection of 24k gold. Where copper conductors degrade over time, these conductors improve over time. Besides Silver is also the best electrical conductor of all metals. Moreover these conductors are treated with the Kharma Advanced Core Treatment 1.0.

This Power block has a star-like grounding and is placed on a Kharma SDSS stand for decoupling from the floor. All this leads to a crystal clear and ultra revealing power block with enormous dynamics, endless power, extreme definition, sweetness, air and an open and wide stereo image.

This article has been only used by a dealer for demo purposes and has some usermarks. Newprice: 3.600 euro (pricelist is available), now for 1.250 euro, including VAT.

Please note that the following terms and conditions apply for this offering:
•For EU buyers these items come with a VAT invoice, the aforementioned price naturally includes 21% VAT.
•For non-EU buyers the VAT tax amount included in the aforementioned price can be deducted if the items are physically exported outside the EU, please ask us for additional information.

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